The beginning of the disease process begins with postural distortions.
— Dr. Hans Selye, Nobel Laureate


Health is not complicated

Our bodies are intelligent. They are designed to survive, to heal, to thrive. The systems within the body are organized, systematic, and prepared. From the moment of conception, our bodies know what to do.

No instruction manual is needed

Our bodies work constantly to maintain homeostasis—fighting off disease, killing off mutant cells, regenerating our tissues and organs, healing a cut whether we put a band-aid on it or not.

Open communication = health

The brain regulates all activity of the body. When the brain can freely communicate with the body we remain in a state of health. When the neuro-pathways are blocked, our brain cannot communicate with the rest of the body the way it was designed. We fall into a state of disease.

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The foundation and pillars of health

Health is one’s ability to function optimally and express their unique potentiality. The foundation is neurological function while the pillars are thinking well, moving well and eating well.

Vita Nova Spinal Care exists solely to help its clients live to their fullest expression. Achieving your health goals is a team effort—Dr. Chavez and Maddy West will help you get there.

It truly is an honor to be in a position to help you understand your health care options, get out of pain, increase your health, and most importantly, get to living life more fully!


Not your ordinary chiropractic.

NUCCA and QSM3 are gentle forms of chiropractic care that restore balance to the whole human frame and focus on permanent results. They require NO FORCEFUL TWISTING, POPPING, OR CRACKING, and are barely felt by the patient.

These radical new ways of healing have a life-changing impact as they help restore body balance so we may live in accord with our design.

Full Spectrum Nutrition

Nutrition is the foundation of health, as every cell, tissue, and organ in your body depends on nutrients to function properly. Nutritional Therapy seeks out the root cause of symptoms and helps to provide steps to support your ability to restore balance and enhance your body’s ability to heal. We focus on the pillars of Nutritional Foundations: nutrient-dense diet, proper digestion, addressing chronic micro-threats, mineral balance, blood sugar regulation, hydration, and bringing relief to fatigued or threatened organs and systems. When these areas are properly supported, healing happens!

Sound Chair

Sound Chair Therapy uses sound waves to heal and repair the body. Research shows that sound and music therapy (Bio-acoustics and vibro-acoustics) can assist in:

  • Significant Stress Reduction

  • Significant reduction in chronic muscle tension and pain management

  • Balancing heart rate and blood pressure and increasing circulation

  • Energizing and uplifting one’s mood, emotional health and well-being

  • Enhancing creativity, communication, performance, and problem-solving capabilities.


We AIM to inspire and empower you to take charge of your health and live to your fullest potential.